Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Coater Art

More coaster art from our lastest trivia night. We lost again, hence the slightly dark themes.

Right now, I'm talking to my friend Chenay in New Zealand.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bio-degradable art

So I took my skills to new heights today and drew on a banana in class. Brings back memories of the copyright banana last year. Who would have thought that she spoke French!

More Coaster Art

So we went back for another pointless round of trivia, although I did get to draw on the back of my coaster. Loving the new artliner by the way.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A challenge from James

Was doodling at Change the other night, and what started as a man in a suit, became a roller blader, and finally a disco scene, after following a series of challenges from James.

Fast Food for Pirates

A napkin drawing, while at Babalou cafe in Kingscliffe for my birthday breakfast. Because pirates get hungry too! 

New Pen!

I bought a couple of new art liner pens today, and here's a doodle that I did to test one of them out. He's a disproportionate body builder.